Title 1 Meeting- Let's Get Connected

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM- Mrs. Hokanson will review HISD and Parker specific digital resources.




Our first Parent Education Title 1 Meeting will be next week. Our focus will be digital resources and getting connected. Mrs. Hokanson will lead the session and go over HISD resources and some Parker specific resources.

There are two opportunities to join us- Tuesday, Sept. 17th at 6 pm and Friday, Sept 20th at 8 am, both in the cafeteria.

If you'd like to learn more about Title 1, please see the links below. The documents describe what Title 1 funds are, how the funds are used and dates for Parent Education meetings.
What is Title 1- English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QJmcReaz31MlJxPJ4x2ZKIO3HPz6jwHE/view?usp=sharing
Que es Titulo 1- Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sXfs8lbpg88D0-QcGFU-WZdEZD3-IDEZ/view?usp=sharing