Welcome to the piano program
Teacher: Mr. Haff
Chair: Stacie Kopecki & Amy Williamson, Piano Parent Co-Chair
Guest piano teachers will work with each child during their regular lesson time. These 45-minute private lessons will be taught by top local instructors. Parents do not need to attend lesson. With the generous donations to Parker Friends, every student will receive a complementary piano workshop t-shirt. Shirts will be delivered to homeroom teachers on Thursday.
On Saturday, Jan 18th (9:00 AM - 12:30 PM) is a special half-day of piano activities for all Parker students. Students will rotate through five 30-minute sessions:
piano workshop Saturday
On Saturday, children will move from sessions to session in their Magnet group. The sessions will be
in half hour increments and the final 5th session will end at 12:10. We then have the 5 grade levels
play their ensemble pieces for parents assembled in the auditorium.
Everything should be finished by 12:30pm.
Please RSVP for Saturday:
We can't do it without the support of our amazing parents.
Piano Calendar
(Calendar subject to change)
Winter Grade Level Concerts in the Parker Auditorium - except 1st grade All students perform
Dec. 13 @ 2:30 pm 2nd Grade in Parker Auditorium
Dec. 6 @ 2:30 pm 3rd Grade in Parker Auditorium
Dec. 9 @ 2:30 pm 4th Grade in Parker Auditorium
Dec. 17 @ 2:30pm 5th Grade in Parker Auditorium
Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 @ 11:50-12:35pm1 st Grade in Rm #204
January 13 -18- Piano Workshop (includes Saturday)
March 1(on Saturday)-Solo and Ensemble Contest @ Parker
March 25- Spring Piano Concert: Invited students 1:30 pm @ Parker
TBD- Spring Grade Level Concerts
1st Grade in rm #204
2nd Grade in Parker Auditorium
3rd Grade in Parker Auditorium
4th Grade in Parker Auditorium
5th Grade Evening Concert
*TBA Other Piano Program Activities may be added to the calendar
Piano Magnet Schedule:
Monday - 4th year
Tuesday - 5th year
Wednesday - 3rd year
Thursday - 1st year
Friday - 2nd year
*Performance Shirts need to purchased from here from French Toast.
Check with your music teacher if a performance shirt is needed.